
New updates & improvements to Clarify.

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Headers in the admin panel

When using the admin panel in Clarify there are some guides from our documentation that can be handy. We have now updated the headers in the admin panel to show relevant information, including links to documentation for the different menus. This means you can easily find guides for integration, item management and more when you need it the most.

Headers contains a short explanation, as well as links to documentation.

More space for labels

We have heard from some of you that you have more labels than our item cards are able to show, and now we've fixed that. Labels shown on item cards will now be shown over multiple lines, allowing for larger label structures than before without losing sight of them!

More labels on item cards

New front page for our documentation

Our documentation pages are growing a lot these days and to make it easier to navigate, we've completely redesigned the front-page to help you navigate it. If you are just getting started with Clarify, make sure you check out our user guides.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Favourite timelines on Android
  • Improved touch support for web app
  • Fixed missing translations
  • Added a button to delete created datasets
  • Admin panel drop-down menu has gotten a UI overhaul
  • Bulk-editing labels now support assigning new categories