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Bolaks has digitalized all of their farms with real-time data streaming directly to the Clarify platform. This gives one point of easy and secure access to high-resolution time-series data across systems and sites that can be used for better decision-making, improving operations, and data-driven innovation.
What has happened, what is happening, and what is going to happen?
And what are we going to do about it?
These are complex questions that aquaculture professionals in every role are faced with several times every day, around diverse topics such as optimal feeding, fish welfare, environmental factors, and general operations. How can people come together around data to act proactively?
Read on to learn more about how Bolaks invest in modern technology and digital innovation to create the future of work in aquaculture. And how Clarify helps Bolaks gather live operational data into one easy-to-use interface, where everyone can explore data and share insights in real-time to turn data into actions that drive sustainable growth.
Bolaks is one of the pioneers in Norwegian and global aquaculture. Founded by three brothers back in 1975, and still a family-owned company, Bolaks has taken an active part in shaping the industry from humble beginnings to the global success we see today. Being a fully integrated company, Bolaks has a strong foundation to put data gathered throughout the whole chain to use for problem solving and improvement.
Their motto, "Experience - our future", underlines their drive to use decades of experience to create the future of modern aquaculture, from running all their sites on clean electricity to investing in digital transformation. Bolaks has been using Clarify since 2020 as a core part of their modern data infrastructure for streaming industrial data, and to empower everyone in the organization to use data as a natural everyday tool.
Modern aquaculture generates gigabytes of data every day. Data that can be used to understand what has happened, what is happening right now, and also to predict the future and foresee what is going to happen.
But quality data is only part of the puzzle. To understand why and what we must do, diverse teams of experts must come together to collaborate, understand, and share knowledge around data.
But as for many organizations, data is spread in several siloed systems on a wide variety of formats, making it a time-consuming and labor-intensive process to find, organize, and visualize data across systems.
In addition, human knowledge is spread and siloed as well, in e-mails, meetings, phone calls, and ad-hoc discussions on or off-site.
Questions like, "what did we do the last time we saw low oxygen levels at this site" or "what are the operational limits for feeding at this specific site" become very complex to answer when data and insight are disconnected in different systems.
Bolaks is an early mover in the technology space and has invested in high-tech equipment and infrastructure on all of their farms, ranging from environmental sensor systems, industrial control systems, as well as cameras and lasers. All these systems generate valuable data, that are even more valuable when combined with other in-house sources as well as external data sources.
The Clarify team, working together with in-house experts and the different system providers, has helped Bolaks digitalize all of their farms. With real-time data streaming directly to the Clarify platform, Bolaks has one point of easy and secure access to high-resolution time-series data across systems, sites, etc.
All data is made available through the Clarify web and mobile interfaces, giving people easy access to search and find the information they need, organize it the way it makes sense for them, as well as intuitively visualize and explore data to understand more. Empowering everyone from the field to top management to use data as support in their everyday decision making.
By adding comments and leading discussions in Clarify, Bolaks builds unique data sets and one common place for both data and human insight, building out the data story with context and knowledge that improves both human decision-making and machine learning.
By investing in new technology, data infrastructure, and adapting their organization to the future of work, industrial pioneers like Bolaks are taking the lead in digitalization and industry 4.0. Ultimately leading to more sustainable operations, from both an environmental and economical viewpoint.
Start collaborating and exploring industrial data! Check out how Clarify works and try it for free today.
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