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Neuron and Clarify are collaborating to enable in-house automation and IT teams get in control of their own data and integrations, while domain experts can get straight to work and turn data into good decisions, learning, and everyday improvement.
How do you go from realizing you could use data to improve your business, to actually transforming your technical infrastructure and the way you work with data? Where do you even start to go from 0 to 1?
Industry 4.0, digitalization, and turning data into value are all topics high on the agenda in board rooms and executive meetings all over the globe. We all agree that data is and will be very important for practically every business and every role, now and even more so in the future.
Read on to learn more about how Neuron and Clarify are collaborating to enable in-house automation and IT teams get in control of their own data and integrations, while domain experts can get straight to work and turn data into good decisions, learning, and everyday improvement.
Based on decades of experience in industrial automation and software, the teams behind Clarify and Neuron have experienced firsthand that the threshold to use industrial data for problem solving, improvement, and innovation is too high.
First, there’s the technical challenge of integrating and making siloed data available and useful for further use. Second, the challenge of making data understandable and a natural go-to tool for a wide variety of people in various roles and of various backgrounds still remains.
This again relates to the technical challenge of setting up, managing, and maintaining integrations, cloud infrastructure, dashboards, visualizations, and various tools to meet different demands. Lastly, there’s the need for effective collaboration around data and breaking down silos where human knowledge and expertise are locked in.
The combination of both a complex technical transformation, as well as a human/organizational transformation, can be overwhelming for many.
For many decision-makers it is still unclear what the value of data truly is, it is hard to know where to start and in combination with projects often being/becoming too expensive, the threshold to get started with data just becomes too high for decision-makers, in-house technical teams, as well as domain experts.
The main challenge is to spend more time and resources on figuring out how companies can build unique advantages from data and fewer resources on expensive proof of concept projects and one-off demo solutions. This is where Clarify and Neuron come in.
The right tools are half the job. Neuron + Clarify are built to be the best SaaS tools to make industrial time-series data available and useful for human and machine analysis.
By combining the Neuron data flow platform with Clarify, industrial companies can get started on their digitalization journey with minimal effort and maximum agility. Start small, learn fast, iterate, and improve with very little risk.
Acting on digital opportunities should be easy and by joining forces Neuron and Clarify reduce both the technical and organizational complexity of turning data into value. All to help teams go from siloed raw data to data exploration, collaboration, and applied AI, fast and easy.
The fundamental problem to solve is making industrial data, easily available for both humans and machines. Neuron is a SaaS (Software as a Service) data flow platform that extracts and contextualizes data from all kinds of industrial equipment and sensors and securely transports data to cloud services and remote storage, such as Clarify.
Neuron comes with pre-built adaptors that make it easy to connect to OPC UA/DA, Modbus, and a wide range of other industrial protocols, enabling in-house technical teams to set up and manage their own integrations. Thus securing ownership, control, and data quality while eliminating the need for expensive external consultants.
Founded by Goodtech and NEW & Company, Neuron is a true industry innovator. Bringing 20 years of industrial digital experience together, with a proven track record of connecting industrial installations to the cloud, with customers such as Equinor, Wintershall DEA, and Wilhelmsen.
Read more about Neuron on their webpage.
But once your data is integrated and ready to go, a vital challenge still remains. How will you use that data to create unique value for your business? And who will do it?
Introducing Clarify - the easiest way to visualize, explore, and collaborate around streaming data for everyone.
Clarify is built to empower domain experts to use data as a useful everyday tool, regardless of role or background, alone or as part of a team. We believe this is the way to turn data into value and to create a data-assisted culture of curiosity and creativity.
In order to create true value from data, you need to put it into the hands of the people who are in the best position to understand and make use of it. With Clarify everyone can find, organize, visualize, and explore data that makes sense to their everyday operations. By safely sharing and discussing live data with team members, organizations can go from data to actions that drive sustainable growth, faster.
Clarify is built to fuel work cultures of curiosity, creativity, and collaboration, where streaming data forms the foundation to understand the world around you. By bringing teams with diversity in viewpoints, expertise, and experience together around data, Clarify creates positive reinforcement loops where knowledge grows faster and domain insights become common knowledge across your team.
Going forward the combination of streaming data and comments, annotations, and added insights are what will help you truly unlock the potential of machine learning and artificial intelligence in your organization.
By combining the power of Neuron and Clarify organizations can get in control of their own data and integrations while opening up a brave new world of data-driven problem-solving, improvement, and innovation.
Contextualized high-quality data is made available through the Clarify API, so you can use your data to ignite new innovations, do advanced analytics, build digital twins, apply machine learning, and so on.
Neuron streams data directly to the Clarify cloud and with a scalable and predictable self-service subscription model, the path to industrial digitalization has never been easier.
If you need additional help and support on setting up integrations, etc. our experienced industrial specialists are ready to help.
Start collaborating and exploring industrial data! Check out how Clarify works and try it for free today.
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